Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.7.5
WlzRadialDistribution - outputs the radial distribution of components of the input image.
WlzRadialDistribution [-h] [-v] [-A] [-D] [-G] [-H] [-E] [-L] [-R]
                      [-c #,#] [-d <debug image>] [-n #]  [-o <out file>]
                      [-t #] [<input image>]
-h Prints usage information.
-v Be verbose output.
-A Sort output by area (default).
-D Sort output by distance from boundary.
-G Sort output by angle.
-R Sort output by radial distance from centre.
-H Threshold high, use pixels at or above threshold (default).
-E Threshold equal, use pixels at threshold.
-L Threshold low, use pixels below threshold.
-c Centre (default is image centre).
-d Debug image.
-n Minimum area (default g).
-t Threshold value (default is to compute using Otsu's method).
Segments the given object using a threshold value and outputs the radial distribution of the thresholded components. By default the input image object is read from the standard input and the radial distribution is written to the standard output. The image formats understood include wlz, jpg and tif. The output format is:
  <angle> <dist from centre> <area> <x pos>,<y pos> <dist form boundary>
WlzRadialDistribution -o out.txt -d debug.jpg in.tif
The input image is read from in.tif, a debug image showing the segmented regions is written to debug.jpg and the radial distribution statistics are written to the file out.txt. With the output in out.txt, the following R code would plot the data as a set of circles with radius proportional to the square root of the component area:
  data <- read.table("out.txt")
  symbols(x=data$V1, y=data$V2, circles=sqrt(data$V3))
See Also
WlzIntro(1) WlzLabel(1) wlzThreshold(1) WlzExtFFConvert(1)