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Bcr breakpoint cluster region ( MGI:88141)
TS19 (11.5 dpc)
in situ hybridisation

Data Images
Fig2B. Copyright: This image is from [doi:10.1002/dvdy.10071] Kaartinen V; Nagy A; Gonzalez-Gomez I; Groffen J; Heisterkamp N, "Vestibular dysgenesis in mice lacking Abr and Bcr Cdc42/RacGAPs." Dev Dyn 2002 Apr;223(4):517-25. Reprinted with permission of Wiley-Liss Inc. [PMID:11921339] .

Expression pattern clarity: two stars
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Image annotations: The inset displays a specimen hybridized with the sense probe (negative control). Arrow points to the hybridization signal in the otic vesicle. The asterisk indicates the location of the otic vesicle (inset).
Expression Pattern Description
Spatial Annotation:
EMAGE:4674Annotation colour key:  
strong strong      
gene expression moderate moderate    
gene expression weak weak        
gene expression possible possible    
gene expression not detected not detected
wholemount mapping

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Morphological match to the template: two stars
Text Annotation:
detected detected
regionalBcr is clearly expressed in the murine otic vesicle.
Annotation Validation: EMAGE Editor
Detection Reagent
Type:in situ hybridisation probe
Identifier:Bcr probeA
Entity Detected:Bcr, breakpoint cluster region ( MGI:88141)
Notes:The Bcr probe used in this study by Kaartinen et al., 2002 [PMID:11921339] is indicated as that described by Fioretos et al., 1995 [PMID:8581068] . Editors Note: Fioretos et al., describe two Bcr in situ hybridisation probes as follows: 1. "A 400 bp fragment of mouse bcr was amplified by RT/PCR with the primers ALLE (Kawasaki et al., 1988 [PMID:3165197] ) and BEX3 (5' AACCCACTTTCTCATCTCCAG 3') as previously described (Heisterkamp et al., 1990 [PMID:2179728] ). The RT/PCR product was gel purified and digested with EcoRI and ClaI yielding a 251-bp fragment that was subcloned directionally into pSK (Stratagene). To obtain an antisense RNA probe, the construct was linearized with BamHI and transcribed in vitro using T7 polymerase". 2. "A second bcr antisense RNA probe was produced by digesting a 1.8-kb HindIII/EcoRI genomic fragment (Zhu et al., 1990 [PMID:2263470] ) cloned in pSK with NarI and transcription with T7 RNA polymerase". Kaartinen et al. do not specify which of these probes they use.
Age:11.5 dpc
Theiler Stage:TS19
Mutations:none (wild-type)
General Information
Authors:Kaartinen V; Nagy A; Gonzalez-Gomez I; Groffen J; Heisterkamp N, 2002 [PMID:11921339] , Indexed and Spatially Mapped by EMAGE
Submitted by:EMAGE EDITOR, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh, UK EH4 2XU
Experiment type:non-screen
References:[ doi:10.1002/dvdy.10071] [ PMID:11921339] Kaartinen V, Nagy A, Gonzalez-Gomez I, Groffen J, Heisterkamp N 2002 Vestibular dysgenesis in mice lacking Abr and Bcr Cdc42/RacGAPs. Dev Dyn (223):517-25
Links: Ensembl same gene
  Allen Brain Atlas same gene
  BioGPS same gene
  International Mouse Knockout Project Status same gene
  GEISHA Chicken ISH Database same gene
  EMBL-EBI Gene Expression Atlas same gene
  BrainStars same gene
  ViBrism same gene
Data SourceEMAGE